Hey! If you’re reading this page, we recognize you an expert in your profession. You are invited to write a career advice article or answer an interview questionnaire for CareerNuts.com. We value unique perspectives which will help aspiring students get an understanding about your profession. We’d love for you to share your experiences and professional wisdom, and share it with the world.
What is CareerNuts.com?
CareerNuts.com is a platform where professionals like you can contribute and share advice for students to help them select their career paths. We strive to provide aspiring students with first hand advice from industry professionals, rather than career counsellors, about what they can expect in a particular career path.
What’s in it for You?
Firstly, career selecting is one of the most confusing and difficult tasks for students. Your article will help them gain precious knowledge, and you have the opportunity to change the lives of many students. Besides acting as career advisor for young kids, an article published under your name will add to your social media credentials and visibility. In today’s world everybody needs to have a digital footprint, and being published as a career guide will add to yours, when someone searches your name on Google.
Also, team CareerNuts will work closely to writers to ensure the articles are SEO’ed (well-optimized for search engines), well edited and structured so as to make them as interesting and readable as possible. We want to make sure that your advice reaches the largest possible audience.
Read more about us here.
Fill in a Questionnaire about Your Career
Please download the questionnaire Career Nuts Questionnaire to fill, and we’ll create the article for you, something like this.
For any questions, please email us at [email protected] along with a short bio/ your career details.
Submit a Guest Article on CareerNuts.com
You can also write specific articles about your profession, on how to become a professional in your field, what to expect from this career or who is it for. Please read our submission guidelines and process here.
Here is an example.
If you have a draft article ready, please email it to [email protected].