What BA Major Quiz: Choosing Your Humanities Major

Find your right major in Political Science, Psychology, Economics, Literature with our What BA Major Quiz

The world of Humanities is a treasure trove of knowledge, offering insights into the very fabric of human society, culture, and thought. As you stand at the crossroads of your educational journey, deciding on a major can feel like plotting your course through an uncharted ocean. This is where the Humanities come in, encompassing subjects like Political Science, Psychology, Economics, and Literature. Each of these fields opens up pathways not just to learning, but to understanding the world and carving out a meaningful career.

Political Science

Political Science isn’t just about understanding governments and politics; it’s a deep dive into how power and policy shape our world. As a student of Political Science, you’ll explore the intricacies of political systems, the art of diplomacy, and the pulse of public administration. Careers? They’re as diverse as they come, from being a policy analyst to a public relations specialist, each contributing to the shaping of our societies.

what ba major political science major student


Psychology is a journey into the human mind, exploring why we think, feel, and behave the way we do. Whether you’re interested in becoming a clinical psychologist, a human resources specialist, or a market researcher, understanding human behavior is key.

what ba major literature major student.


Economics is about much more than numbers and charts; it’s about understanding how resources are allocated in societies. As an economist, you’ll decode market trends, dissect financial crises, and predict economic futures. Careers in economics include financial analyst, economic consultant, and beyond, each playing a crucial role in guiding financial decisions.

what ba major economics major student.


If you’re drawn to the power of words, a major in Literature might be your calling. Literature students dive into worlds created by words, learning critical thinking, and creativity. This major can lead to careers in writing, editing, teaching, and even in roles you might not immediately think of, like in marketing or communications.

what ba major literature major student.

How Our Quiz Can Guide You

Our quiz is designed to help you discover which humanities major aligns with your interests and strengths. By answering simple questions about your preferences, you can gain insights into which field might suit you best. It’s a starting point, a beacon to guide you through the vast sea of possibilities.

Remember, your major doesn’t just define your career; it shapes your understanding of the world. A degree in the humanities equips you with critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills that are invaluable in any career path you choose. So, take the quiz, explore your interests, and step confidently into the world of arts and humanities, where every lesson learned is a step towards your future career.

When you think about your future career, what is most important to you?
Influencing policy and making a difference in society.
Helping individuals understand and improve themselves.
Working in a field that is analytical and data-driven.
Engaging in creative and expressive work.



What type of class project do you enjoy the most?
Creating a campaign for a mock election or social issue.
Conducting a survey or study on human behavior.
Developing a business plan or economic model.
Writing a story, play, or analyzing a novel.



If you were to volunteer for a cause, what would it be?
Campaigning for a political candidate or issue.
Helping at a mental health awareness event.
Organizing a fundraiser for a community project.
Participating in a local literary festival or book club.



What do you enjoy discussing the most with your friends?
Current political events and international affairs.
Personal feelings, relationships, and self-improvement.
Business news, stock markets, and investments.
Books, movies, and artistic concepts.



Which school subject do you enjoy the most or excel in?
History or Civics
Psychology or Sociology
Math or Economics.
Literature or Creative Writing.



Which topic would you most likely do a research project on?
The impact of a historical political event.
The psychological effects of social media on teenagers.
The economic consequences of a new technology.
The evolution of a particular genre in literature.



What skill do you think is most important for success?
Strategic thinking and leadership.
Emotional intelligence and empathy.
Analytical skills and problem-solving.
Creativity and critical thinking.



What kind of volunteer work have you done or are interested in doing?
Working on community or political campaigns.
Assisting at a counseling center or helpline.
Helping with financial literacy programs for underprivileged communities.
Organizing or participating in a reading program for kids.



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What BA Major Quiz






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