What Stream to Choose After 10th Quiz: Arts, Science, Med or Commerce?

Take our quiz to find out what stream to choose after 10th. Ready to discover the best stream to match your passion and potential? Choose wisely!


OMG there’s a lot to worry in 10th right? Exams, pre-boards, board results, what Sharma Aunty will say to our parents about their son’s results. And of course, there’s always the BIG dilemma – what stream should you choose after 10th.

Sure, we all have some idea. Some. But when the time comes, we question everything. It’s those questions that give us a big existential crisis. Will you do well, do you have it in you to make it in your dream career? What if you’re making a big mistake? What if we just chose what our friends are choosing? Aargh!

Don’t worry – I got you covered. And NOT in a boring way.


So, superstars! Are you ready to unlock your ideal career path? I’ve made something super cool for you – a Personality Quiz tailor-made for 10-th grade high schoolers.

So if you’re spending your time wondering if you’re destined to create breathtaking art, discover groundbreaking scientific mysteries, crunch numbers like a financial wizard, or become a superhero in the medical world, wonder no more! This fun quiz (yep, you read that right, FUN!) is here to help you discover your interests and passions.

Whether you’re more into wielding a paintbrush or a microscope, solving equations or lending a helping hand, you can discover it with my What stream should I choose quiz. So answer the 15 questions that’ll guide you towards your potential career field of study. Who knows, this might just be the first step in your career to success!

Ready to discover your path? Just take this quiz!

What type of skills do you think you excel in?
Artistic or communication skills
Analytical and problem-solving skills
Organizational and leadership skills
Compassion and interpersonal skills



What type of books do you enjoy reading?
Fiction novels
Science fiction or fantasy
Non-fiction books
Biographies or memoirs



Which career aspect is most appealing to you?
Expressing creativity and emotions
Conducting research and making discoveries
Managing finances and leading projects
Providing medical care and improving health



How do you spend your free time?
Engaged in artistic or creative pursuits
Reading scientific articles or books
Planning and organizing activities
Volunteering or helping others in need



How do you feel about solving math problems?
Love it! Math is my favorite subject.
It's okay, but not my top choice.
I prefer math that involves money or data.
Math is not really my thing.



Which activity sounds most appealing to you?
Painting or drawing
Conducting science experiments
Managing finances or budgets
Volunteering at a hospital or clinic



How do you handle stress?
Through creative expression or hobbies
By seeking scientific explanations and solutions
By organizing tasks and managing time efficiently
By helping others and staying calm under pressure



What kind of movies or TV shows do you prefer?
Dramas or romance
Science fiction or documentaries.
Business or reality shows
Medical dramas or health documentaries



What type of role do you naturally assume in a group project?
Creative idea generator
Researcher and data analyzer
Planner and task organizer
Team motivator and peacemaker



4 students of different streamsWhat is your preferred learning style?
Visual and hands-on learning
Analytical and logical learning
Structured and organized learning
Practical and experiential learning



4 students of different streams 3

When faced with a problem, what is your typical approach?
Use creativity and imagination to find a solution.
Analyze the problem logically and seek scientific explanations.
Consider the practical aspects and seek efficient solutions.
Focus on helping others and providing care.



What do you value most in a potential career?
Expression of individuality and emotions
Advancement of knowledge and discovery
Financial stability and business growth
Contribution to the well-being of others



Which subject are you most interested in at school?
Art or literature
Biology or chemistry
Economics or business studies
Biology or health education



What type of discussions do you engage in with friends?
Literature, music, or art-related topics
Scientific theories and discoveries
Business trends or financial strategies
Healthcare practices and medical advancements



What extracurricular activity would you enjoy the most?
Art club or theater
Science club or robotics
Entrepreneurship or finance club
Red Cross or medical outreach program



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Career Stream Discovery Quiz [Arts/ Sciences / Medicine / Commerce]






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